FileMakerPro Databases · Instant Web Publishing · Web Pages
User-friendly Custom Databases · PHP & FileMaker
Get The Most Out Of Your Computers
Jackson’s is a computer services business owned and run by Lynne Jackson. Lynne is an Apple specialist who provides services to small and medium sized businesses - no job too big or too small.
Lynne has the hands-on experience in solving the problems faced by smaller businesses and by individuals grappling with the often baffling computers, printers, networks and other electronic machines that every business needs to stay profitable.
Jackson’s has been successfully grappling with and getting the most out of business office computer equipment since 1989. Lynne has long experience tying together various pieces of hardware, both the newest and up to date items, along with older machines and equipment. Over the years she has made some of the most seemingly incompatible hardware work together smoothly. And you can be sure that if Lynne can’t find a way to make it work, then it was never meant to be.
Aldus PageMaker Files
New Service!
Jackson’s Computers has taken the time and effort to research and test the most efficient metods to recover PageMaker data . . . Read more about converting PageMaker files |
Lynne Jackson Is A FileMaker Pro Developer
FileMaker Pro is a flexible platform that is ideal for small and medium sized businesses. It meshes well with internet providers and online databases. Lynne has long experience writing custom FileMaker Pro databases and modifying existing databases. And she is willing to work with you and your employees to find the best solutions to your often unique problems. She knows how to find out what you want, and she can deliver what you need.
That’s not all. If you or a member of your office staff wants training in how to modify and maintain your FileMaker Pro databases, then Lynne will be more than glad to work with you. Lynne has taught classes and trained employees and business owners so that they can understand their own systems and make occasional changes without costly delays.
Some of the databases she has created or modified over the years include:
Membership databases
Attorney's services databases
Phone bank databases
Student, school and test databases
Billing systems for pre-schools (SEIT and CPSE)
Custom invoicing systems
Sales estimating
Lobbying databases
Restaurant and point-of-sale systems
Jackson’s Saves You Money
Lynne will familiarize herself with your existing setup and make the recommendations that will improve efficiency. Then she will carry out those recommendations that are right for your business. The resulting savings in time and the increase in what your office can accomplish will quickly translate into both short term and long term monetary savings and, in many cases, increase revenue for your business, often in unexpected ways.
Maintenance is Important And Hard To Find
Jackson’s will stay on-call to deal with and solve database glitches, network problems and equipment failures for as long as you need. Every experienced small and medium sized business owner is familiar with how hard it is to get someone to fix minor computer and database problems, and when they do find someone the costs are usually astronomical. Often Lynne can solve your problems with a five minute phone call, but she knows how to determine if a problem is big and needs special attention which she will be ready to provide.
Quite a few times Lynne has watched her customers call in a big computer services firm to fix problems or make modifications, only to end up paying a small fortune and still being saddled with the original problem... or worse. That’s when the customers go back to Jackson’s, and find that Lynne is willing to mess with their problem until she finds a solution.
Remote Customers Not located near Albany New York where Jackson’s is located?
Lynne can access and maintain your databases remotely, she has several regular customers in distant locales who are more than satisfied with her work, some of whom have never met her in person! While naturally she can’t maintain your hardware if you are a thousand miles away, she can and does make the right recommendations that can keep your workplace running efficiently.
And yes, Lynne will set up your website and provide the links to your FileMaker Pro database that will give you the services that you need.
The regular office staff of Jackson’s Computer Services consists of Lynne Jackson and her two Maine Coon cats, Arkita and Katekka. In addition, Lynne has access to a network of professionals and assistants who are available as needed, and she can show you where to find the most reliable and cost effective services. In addition her two cats provide expert advice at all times when they are awake.
Reasonable rates, fast, custom services. Call 518-434-6659 or email for a careful discussion of your needs and how Jackson's Computer Services can meet them.